Corruption In Nigeria: Causes and Solution

Corruption has eaten deep into the root of our country, so much so that many people even see the country’s other name as “corruption”.It is killing our country, it has damaged our economy, our currency is devaluated and the poor are suffering,even foreign countries see us as people who are not trustworthy.

I know we understand what corruption means but that doesn’t mean I will not take my time to tell you little about it. Corruption can be seen as a dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials) the act of corrupting someone or something that has been changed from its original form.

Corruption can be spotted in every sphere of the nation; in Family, politics, educational sector, organizations, even among friends.

It’s no news that people in power do not seek the power in the first place to help the nation rather they want to use it for their selfish interest. Imagine a politician having a huge sum of money that can feed the whole nation for three years to himself. Is that what he signed for, what kind of work is he doing rather than holding a post?Well, I reserve my comment.

Corruption has found its way into our educational institutions as well. Take a look at most of our institutions now. What I can say is that the authorities just admit student just to get their money and then expel or rusticate them for reasons that are not genuine, conducive learning environment are not even provided for them. Most projects in schools have been abandoned just because of their greediness and selfish interest. Students are now taken for granted. We also see some corrupt lecturers in institution as well those who sell irrelevant materials to student just to extort money from them and even threaten to fail them if they do not buy the materials. They will also go ahead and sell exam questions to students all in the name of getting money and buying luxuries.

I was told by someone that if twenty males with good qualification and only one female which lower qualification went on to apply for a job, the job will be given to the female candidate.Getting to hear that, I laughed until I ran out of laughter but I understand that it is the truth. Organization heads don’t employ with qualification anymore but with selfish interest. Well that one is best known to them.

Causes of Corruption
Weak/lazy Government: Weak and lazy government also contribute to corruption in our country as there are no proper checks and balances in the administrations which give individual the effrontery to do what pleases him/her and not caring about the citizen of Nigeria.

Ethnic difference: this is also one of the problem we face, people in power want to put their families, Ethnic members in their administration just because of the idea to steal money from the government pocket.

Poor pay and incentive: Some workers complains of government owing them money for months and not paying in full as well, why won’t this workers collect bribe, why won’t they go against the law when the law is riding them like horse.

Possible Solutions
Proper checks and balances: With checks and balances errors can be identified and be corrected. Agencies that are to fight corruption should also be closely monitored. Proper record of transaction and payment should be kept and check time to time.

Political Participation: People should be allowed to participate in politics, some should not be selected but people who are willing should be given the chance to prove themselves.

Good payment and incentive: Workers should be given their monthly payment on time and little incentive should be given to them to encourage them so as not to make them take bribe.

With this little piece of writing I think the present administration should find solution to corruption in Nigeria and take the country to a greater level. I am OjomuOluwadamilola and I love my country.

by Ojomu Oluwadamilola

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  1. I love my country too that's y m still here,will our leader's take to this?

  2. The writer is on point.

  3. That is what buhari is doing is not easy to stop corruption over night but God will help

  4. Hassan Aderemi30 March, 2016 09:35

    To single out a person without corruption is very difficult these days, the worse are the so call man of God (clergy, Alfa, Pastor) & the society help it by worshipping the rich in the community regardless of the source of their wealth. Check yourself if you are not corrupt.

  5. well said.

    #Olu,can you see?

  6. May God help us, corruption has destroyed our nation.

  7. Nigeria's biggest problem at the moment

  8. Vewi koret..inumidun

  9. Thanks Mr Olu Im grateful.

  10. Thanks Mr Olu i am so grateful.

  11. adesola adegbite24 August, 2016 23:13

    Wat a wonderful post.

  12. May God help us to coup corruption in Nigeria

  13. adesola adegbite24 August, 2016 23:24

    I really want to meet u


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